
Artist9: Berndnaut Smilde

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Berndaut Smilde is a photographer and installation artist. His work, always somewhat neat and tidy, is quite varied, as he makes sure to set each of his series apart from one another. He's made small models of the installations are being shown in and large sculptures made of air ducts. In his artist bio, it's explained that Smilde transitional spaces" in rooms drive much of his work, creating much of his art in these spaces - doorways, arches, etc. He finds value in the spaces that lie between other spaces, using them as analogies to understand the idea of a conceptual space between construction and deconstruction (or another such sets of opposites). Smilde, according to his website, does much of his work on site, within the "transitional space" of the particular piece, constructing and photographing installations in doorways and staircases in an attempt to understand the space.

One particularly interesting installation piece of Smilde's are his cloud installations. His process and concept are explained in this Washington Post article but, to sum up, he closely the controls humidity, temperature, etc in a space to create conditions conducive to sustaining puffy, white clouds indoors for a short period of time. The "clouds" are really fog machine puffs, which people at the exhibit can witness as he photographs the fog before it dissipates. Here's a video of a cloud-making exhibition:

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